Matthew Cerrone

WIne Box

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WIne Box


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QOON Theme give you everything you need to create an amazing website. Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements and useful options, and completely user-friendly.

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Tons of shortcodes provide countless options.



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[oi_vc_heading oi_title=”12 Pairs Of Hands” oi_title_size=”h4″ oi_title_color=”#000000″ oi_sub_title=”The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal.” oi_sub_title_color=”#666666″ oi_border=”center” oi_border_c=”#a5a5a5″ oi_border_s=”dotted” icon_type=”linecons” oi_icon_w=”40px” oi_icon_c=”#000″ oi_icon=”fa-smile-o” icon_linecons=”vc_li vc_li-study”]

[oi_vc_heading oi_title=”23 Projects” oi_title_size=”h4″ oi_title_color=”#000000″ oi_sub_title=”The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal.” oi_sub_title_color=”#666666″ oi_border=”center” oi_border_c=”#a5a5a5″ oi_border_s=”dotted” icon_type=”linecons” oi_icon_w=”40px” oi_icon_c=”#000″ oi_icon=”fa-diamond” icon_linecons=”vc_li vc_li-diamond”][/vc_legend_block]


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[oi_vc_heading oi_title=”POWERFUL FEATURES” oi_title_color=”#000000″ oi_sub_title=”We bring a crafted and inspired approach to every project we work on, which is why our clients love us and why they keep coming back.” oi_sub_title_color=”#333″ oi_border=”center” oi_border_c=”#e8e8e8″ oi_icon_c=”#000000″]

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Matthew Cerrone

Matthew Cerrone

In 2003, I started writing online about the New York Mets for a project in college. In time, I turned in to 500 million page views, a Cynopsis Sports Blog of the Year nominee, a job as Director of Digital Content for SNY, and a consulting business helping people reach online sports fans.

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